A Song Shared: How Community Encourages Faith

Illustration of Mary traveling through the hill country to visit Elizabeth during Advent.

Scripture: Luke 1:39-40

“In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.” (Luke 1:39–40, ESV)

Stepping Out in Faith: Mary’s Journey of Obedience

Gabriel's message changed Mary's life forever. The promise was staggering—she, a virgin, would bear the Son of God. But the angel’s words contained another incredible revelation—Elizabeth, her older relative, was also experiencing a miraculous pregnancy. Mary didn’t hesitate. Scripture tells us she “arose and went with haste.”

Imagine the scene. Mary swiftly gathers a few belongings, her hands moving purposefully as she prepares for the journey. The noise of Nazareth fades into the distance as she leaves, her mind filled with questions and anticipation. There is no time for doubt or hesitation. She steps out in faith, eager to witness the unfolding of God's plan. 

The journey from Nazareth to the hill country of Judah was no small feat. Stretching 80 to 100 miles, it likely required several days of travel, offering Mary ample opportunity for reflection and prayer. Did she join a caravan, seeking safety in numbers, or travel alone, relying entirely on God’s protection? Each step she took became a testament to her unwavering trust in God’s promises.

Faith in Motion: Trusting God’s Promises

Mary’s immediate departure is a powerful demonstration of her faith. True faith is not static; it moves us toward obedience. As James 2:17 states, “faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” Mary exemplified this truth, trusting that God’s plan would unfold precisely as He had promised. 

With each step she took, Mary had time to reflect. Perhaps she wondered: What will Elizabeth say? Will she believe me? Can I do this? She carried more than her travel provisions; she carried the weight of her calling and the excitement of seeing God’s promises fulfilled. Mary’s faith propelled her forward, her feet moving in rhythm with the trust in her heart.

When God calls us to step out in faith, it’s often without a detailed roadmap. Mary’s journey reminds us that obedience is not always convenient but it is always worth it.

A Quiet Arrival: The Power of Connection

After days of travel, Mary finally arrived at the home of Zechariah and Elizabeth in the hill country of Judah. Her pace quickened, and her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. With no way to announce her visit in advance, she knew Elizabeth would be unprepared for the news she was about to share. Yet, Mary trusted that God had gone ahead of her.

As she stood at the threshold, brushing dust from her tunic, straightening her head covering, and taking a deep breath, she felt a surge of anticipation. Calling out to Elizabeth, her voice pierced the stillness, infused with eager expectation and profound relief. This was her moment to share her journey with someone who could understand.

In Elizabeth, Mary found a kindred spirit—someone to rejoice with, to affirm her calling, and to worship alongside. This journey transcended mere geography; it represented an act of faith, a bold step into the unknown, and a confident declaration that God’s promises are always true.

Reflection: Faith, Obedience, and Community

Mary’s story invites us to reflect on our responses to God’s guidance. Are we ready to obey and take a courageous step of faith? Her journey to visit Elizabeth was neither convenient nor comfortable, yet it was essential. Mary’s obedience reminds us that trusting God sometimes requires us to move forward without having all the answers.

Mary’s arrival at Elizabeth’s home highlights the importance of community. God frequently uses others to affirm His work in our lives, just as He used Elizabeth to uplift and encourage Mary. Who in your life has been an Elizabeth—a mentor or friend who has helped you and encouraged you along your spiritual journey? And in what ways can you step into that role for someone else?

Practical Applications:

  1. Step Out in Faith: Don't wait for complete clarity to pursue God's call. Like Mary, take the next step with faith and trust that He will guide your path.

  2. Embrace Community: Reach out to those who encourage your faith. Seek opportunities to encourage and support others, becoming a channel of God’s love in their lives.

  3. Share Your Journey: This Advent season, find someone to share your personal journey with. Your testimony of God's faithfulness can inspire and strengthen their own faith journey.


Lord, thank You for Mary’s example of faith and obedience. Help me to trust Your promises and take steps of faith, even when I don’t have all the answers. May I find joy in the journey and be an encouragement to the people You have placed in my life. Amen.

Quote to Consider:

The ornaments of our house are the friends who frequent it.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson


Mary’s journey to visit Elizabeth serves as a powerful illustration of how faith can inspire action and foster encouragement. This Advent season, reflect on how God is inviting you to take your own steps of obedience. Connect with someone special in your life, share the ways God is working within you, and explore opportunities to worship together.


The Sound and the Joy: Shared Worship in the Holy Spirit


The Humble Servant: Faith in the God of the Impossible