Signs in the Silence: A Listening Ear And A Growing Faith
As Zechariah’s tablet revealed the name John, a wordless, wide-eyed wonder spread through the room. The whispers rose again, questions darting from one person to another. Why John? What could this mean?
But in the midst of the commotion, imagine the quiet moment shared between Zechariah and Elizabeth. Their eyes met, a knowing smile exchanged. Elizabeth, proud of her husband’s courage, and Zechariah, grateful for her steadfast faith. In their shared obedience, they had honored God’s will and proclaimed His work to their community.
Together in Hope: How God Uses Others in the Waiting
Imagine the days Mary and Elizabeth spent together. One a young woman just beginning her journey of motherhood, the other an older woman, carrying the child who would prepare the way for the Lord. For three months, they lived under the same roof, sharing meals, prayers, and long conversations about the extraordinary work God was doing in their lives.
Remembering His Promises: The Father Who Never Forgets
Waiting tests our faith. When life’s circumstances press hard, it’s tempting to feel forgotten by God. The silence can be deafening, and our hearts may echo the psalmist’s lament: “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?” (Psalm 13:1).
But Mary’s song stands as a reminder: God does not forget His children. The delays are not signs of abandonment but invitations to deeper trust. In Isaiah 49:16, God declares, “Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” This vivid image assures us of His constant care and attention. If He remembers every star in the heavens and every sparrow that falls, how much more does He remember you, His beloved?