
How Do You See It Now? (Haggai 2:1-9)

📖 Introduction

Today, we’re talking about discouragement. The people had started rebuilding the temple, but after a while, they got tired and stopped. They felt like their efforts weren’t making a difference. Have you ever felt that way? 😞

🛑 Overcoming Comparison and Discouragement

When we compare what we’re doing now to past “glory days,” it can make us feel like we’re not enough. This is what happened to the people in Haggai’s time—they were comparing the new temple to the old one, and it made them feel like their work wasn’t worth it. 📉

📌 Key Points:

  1. The Rubble Isn’t the Whole Story 🧱➡️✨

God reminded His people that He was still with them, even if things looked bleak. He was doing something new, and the future glory would be greater than anything they imagined. It’s easy to get discouraged when we only see what’s in front of us. God wants us to look forward with hope. ��

  1. Be Strong, Keep Working, Don’t Be Afraid 💪✨

God encouraged His people with three things: Be strong, do the work, and don’t be afraid—because He is with us. His presence changes everything.

🔍 Reflection Questions:

  • How do you handle discouragement? Have you ever compared your current work to something from the past and felt like it wasn’t enough?

  • What can you do today to focus on God’s presence instead of your own fears?

✏️ Takeaway:

When we get discouraged, it’s important to remember that God is still working, even in the middle of what feels like “rubble.” He has a future for us that’s greater than we can see now. Let’s keep going, trusting that He’s with us every step of the way. 🙌


Waiting for the Shaking (Haggai 2:10-23)


Hearts Stirred by the Word and the Spirit (Haggai 1:12-15)